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years of experience
Web and Mobile developments
StarFruit offers high-quality outsourcing solutions for businesses. Our services News about technology, data management, e-commerce, market trends,...

Pimcore is an open-source Data and Experience Management (DXP) platform that helps businesses organize and manage their data effectively, thereby creating personalized customer experiences across digital environments.

Solve user problems & provide products a competitive edge by perfect User Experience. Create sensory impression & memory, and brand awareness with an excellent Design Interface.
Web and Mobile developments
StarFruit offers high-quality outsourcing solutions for businesses. Our services News about technology, data management, e-commerce, market trends,...
Sun Premier Village Primavera
Website introduces Sun Premier Village Primavera project with Mediterranean style of Sun Group
Sun Festival Avenue
Website introducing the Sun Festival Avenue project - part of the Hon Thom Paradise project complex
Sunneva Island
Website introducing Sunneva Island project of Sun Group
Lapentor Platform
The platform allows photographers to easily create and manage 360-degree virtual reality tours
VinFast Smart Solution
VinFast's e-commerce platform focuses on buying, selling and renewing cars
Thingo e-commerce platform
The e-commerce platform allows buyers and sellers to exchange and buy goods, managed and operated by Thingo Group
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The line between digital and real life is disappearing. Technology is increasingly developed and applied to all industries and fields.
Our health EHR software includes personal accounts, m-health apps, AR/VR for prosthetics, and web page...
Tailored software for real estate that includes realtor catalogs and other effective tools & services for renting and buying...
Our offerings include SaaS option, corporate websites as well as custom e-commerce software solutions to increase profits and...
The development of technology is creeping into many areas of life, which also requires businesses to make digital transitions in all processes to reduce costs and increase efficiency. With all our efforts in exploring leading-edge technologies, Starfruit is committed to always providing the most effective consulting and implementing solutions to customers, along with the services we provide forever.
Trinh Tung Anh
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